Some Innovative Ideas To Remodel Your Small Bathroom In Milpitas

A lot of American homes today have small bathrooms. Now, such owners often think that they can’t remodel their small bathroom in the right way. However, that is not true. In the following post, we would talk about some of the basic techniques that we use at Barnes Remodeling to remodel a small bathroom. A small bathroom remodeling in Milpitas is very much possible if you follow some of these ideas.


Some Innovative Ideas To Remodel Your Small Bathroom In Milpitas


The Use Of Open Vanities

For a small bathroom, open vanities serve two purposes. One, it gives the bathroom an ‘open’ feel and makes it look bigger. At the same time, they give you efficient storage solutions as well. So, you can go for open vanities when you are remodeling your small bathroom.

The Shower And Bathtub Must Be Combined

Remodeling your small bathroom is all about maximizing your space. Now, one of the smartest ways to do that is to combine your shower area and your bathtub. You can even get an enclosure made up of bamboo or go for a Japanese shower enclosure to give that ‘wow’ feel.

Get insights into some tips as you plan a remodeling project for a smaller bathroom

The Use Of Wall-Hung Toilets

It is under the guise of a renovation of the bathroom space, you can change the toilet for a wall-hung version. It serves multiple benefits and here are the details for readers.

Saves space

It is certainly a space-saving option and that should open up free areas in the bathroom

Less water use

They do not use much water and this is certainly an energy-efficient version of the toilet.

Less cleaning work

This version of the toilet also makes sure that the person entrusted with the job of cleaning the space has less work to do now

The Use Of Light Color Paint For A Small Bathroom

Applying a coat of paint on the walls is one of the easiest ways to make the space look different. The bathroom walls have to constantly fight moisture and that leads to the formation of mold, mild dew on the walls. You are perhaps desperate to hide them and hence some paintwork is necessary. Since the bathroom area is small, it would be prudent to apply lighter color paint. The use of light color will make the area look much bigger. On the contrary, if you paint the area with bright colors the space will look boxed in.

The Use Of Light Color Paint For A Small Bathroom

Create An Illusion With Height

It is about playing tricks to the eye and one can try to visually raise the ceiling of the bathroom space. A nice way to do it is to remove anything that is hanging down from the ceiling. The best form of light for a small bathroom space is recessed lighting. This will make the space look big and much cleaner.

The Use Of Mirror 

One can ponder over the idea of a mirror on the wall of your small bathroom. There will be a reflection of light and pattern. This way the space will look much bigger than what it is actually and also looks beautiful. You can also have multiple mirrors in a small bathroom space.


These were some of the innovative techniques you can use to remodel your small bathroom. You can contact Barnes Remodeling and get more innovative solutions for your bathroom remodeling in Milpitas.


  • Create more space for your growing family

  • Address the mold formation in this space

  • Address the leaky features in this part of your home.

It depends on the specific project you may have in mind. If you are planning a demolition and rebuild of the space, the core work could take about a month.

You must remodel this space every seven to ten years. This is the general lifespan of a bathroom.

  • Planning

  • Obtaining permits

  • Demolition

  • Plumbing adjustments

  • Electrical work

  • Install grab bars

  • Close the walls

  • Painting

  • Put up the tiles

  • Put up the shower door & exhaust fan, lights, and other features

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